Monday, June 20, 2011

300 for 30: Day 22

Story ideas I have yet to expand upon:

1. Waiting for the Snow, a Waiting for Godot pastiche featuring male Emperor Penguins huddled together during the Antarctic winter, each cradling a single egg on his feet, talking about the meaninglessness of life. I plan to use this as the premise of my script for my playwriting class next semester. The penguins would be played by four men in tuxedoes wearing orange bowties and baseball caps. Their mates, played by three women dressed the same way, would show up during the second act (one of the mates got eaten by a leopard seal).

2. My Life as an Octopus, a novel based on a prompt I responded to in a high school creative writing class. The idea is that Octavia is a genetically engineered octopus with human-level intelligence who has learned to communicate by typing on a waterproof keyboard. This is the biography of her strange and wonderful life. The thing that’s held me back thus far is that this would require a lot of research before I could get started.

3. Another idea requiring a lot of research, but would be ridiculously awesome, would be a crossover novel between Rudyard Kipling’s Kim and The Jungle Book. Kim would have some spy mission for the British Empire that required him to spend time hiding in the jungle, and Mowgli would provide him with assistance. Perhaps Kim could repay him by pulling strings to keep Mowgli’s forests and his wolf pack protected. I’d have to have a great grasp of Victorian-era British-occupied England, what dialects were spoken, the geography of the Sewanee, and several other things, but I might even be able to get this published, since Kipling’s characters are now public domain.

4. An anthology of short stories covering minor Laconia characters.

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