Sunday, June 12, 2011

300 for 30: Day 14

The bathroom door stayed shut for a long time. Sally fell asleep, as did Rivki. Ferdinand placed the infant in a corner so that no one would accidentally roll over and crush him. As he came near Taylor, despite the barrier between them, he realized it wasn’t just her embarrassment and desire for privacy keeping her in there. Taylor must have blown her nose too hard, because he could smell it bleeding.

He knew the correct thing to do would be to scoot away, as far as possible given the circumstances, and recite poetry until certain…urges…passed. Right. Really, though, couldn’t she at least give him a little taste of it? He wouldn’t bite her. He had self-control. He could – well, if she just – maybe – so thirsty – everything going brown and fuzzy…

He felt strong hands yank him backwards, and before he could voice his objections and declare how he was fine, didn’t need intervention, Nat’s mouth closed over his in a bruising, aggressive kiss. Ferdinand tried to hit him and to tear down the door keeping him from that beautiful scent, but Nat pressed him against the wall with his entire weight, pinning him despite his struggles, and squeezed his hands around Ferdinand’s throat. “Don’t frighten her even more,” Nat growled, low so Taylor wouldn’t hear. “Stay there and calm down.”

“Get off m-“

When Nat not only sealed his lips over Ferdinand’s again but also thrust his tongue in his mouth, Ferdinand clamped down with his fangs. It must have hurt but Nat made no sound, holding fast and choking Ferdinand tighter and tighter. It takes ten minutes to make a vampire black out from air loss, usually, but Ferdinand was already weak from hunger, exhaustion, and head injury, so it was probably more like five minutes before he fainted.


  1. So, Nat actually did it, too. If they ever get out of there, they are really going to have some issues to talk through.

    Ferdinand's POV with the urges was incredibly well done- he has the awareness of them, but at the same time they are there and in his mind and getting away from him. (It's always very interesting to me, that kind of 'thinking over your own head', both the kind where you can, and the kind where it doesn't really work).

    And that when Nat pushes him, again there's a dual thread- fighting in protest and fighting in trying to get through.

    Intense scene, here. Thanks!

  2. I've just realized - you're Indigo, aren't you? I can tell by the comment style. Thanks for being such a superhero to me! And I'm glad you enjoyed.

    - Donaya

  3. Yes, I am- I was wondering whether or not/how soon the comment style would 'give me away' (not that I was trying to hide, though I think I'd be very bad at it if I was). I'm flattered that you noticed (smile).

    You're very welcome ('I'm glad you like it'!), and thank you again. You are one of the great sources of encouragement in my life.

    (Oh, and also, if it's not too much to ask, could you please keep my two names separate as far as other sites go? It's a thing of sorts, for me).

    Again, thanks.

  4. Oh yes, definitely. I try to keep the Donaya and Faye apart much of the time, so I understand. I can even delete the previous comment if you prefer.

  5. Thanks! And no, it's fine- I don't think that anyone who didn't already know what you're referring to here would get it.
