Thursday, June 9, 2011

300 for 30: Day 11

“He’s a very quiet baby and sleeps well – the lack of nappies is nice too - but there’s a reason I weaned my sons when their teeth started coming in,” Sally replied, passing Rivki to Ferdinand. Rivki gurgled, pleased, and latched onto his jugular with the speed and determination of a leech.

“Cute kid if you’re into the Gothic style,” Derrick-in-Taylor said. “It looks like Dianne won’t be coming, guys. She’s spending her plane ticket money on my bail.”

“What’d you do?” Nat asked, rubbing his temples.

“There weren’t any flights to Thailand - or even to places that would connect to Thailand - today, and I’m not very patient, and you know how I can control animals, and have you ever heard of Snakes on a Plane and thought to yourself that the terrorists lacked imagination?”

The glow faded from Taylor’s irises as she snapped, using her own unadulterated voice, “I love you, but sometimes you just make me so mad, Riquaniuvant.”

Nat posed the obvious question. “Can’t you – I mean, Derrick - bust yourself – uh, himself - out with those same powers?”

“Oh, right, he’d do that, and they’d call in the National Guard, and he’d use his powers against them, and they’d call in the Marines, and he’d use his powers against them, and meanwhile any shred of secrecy about the existence of magic, and with it the safety of Elves, demons, vampires, werewolves, seers – that goes down the tubes.” Taylor hugged herself tighter and jerked her head from side to side, as if trying to shake off reality. “No, love, you don’t understand. I trust these three under normal circumstances, no matter how hungry they get, but my period is due. It could start today, tomorrow, and then – yes I know what you’d like to do if something happened, but that wouldn’t fix it, would it? Idiot. Stupid romantic idiot.”

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I *thought* last chapter that there was a vampire baby- that's really something!

    Derrick's description is the best, as is Taylor's response.

    Though I feel horribly bad for Taylor- having to fear a combination of a part of your own body and the non-willing nature of people who, as people, you know and trust. "Hugged herself tighter" and "as if to shale off reality"- no wonder.
