Tuesday, November 1, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 1

It has begun! I eagerly awaited midnight, fortified with orange Izzes and pumpkin bread and apples, and wrote 1358 words before I went to bed around two-ish. I am now at 1720, as you can see by the screenshot. I have a special playlist, I got a lap desk to improve the ergonomics of my marathon typing sessions, a bunch of my friends are doing it too, and I'm super-excited. I feel like I'm kindling the forest fire again. And I plan on blogging at least every day about my experiences.

The novel itself is being posted on my tumblr; if you don't know what my tumblr is you are welcome to ask on Facebook and I will privately message it to you if you are over 18 years old.

Stay tuned for more.

1 comment:

  1. So you did get a lap-desk- nice! Nice food :) , and great on the writing.
