Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Creative Writing Fiction Seminar

Hello, gentle readers. Just to alert you that I am taking Creative Writing Fiction, an upper-level seminar, for my second-to-last semester here. My big project will be writing and workshopping three chapters of Seasons Four Behind Closed Doors. Yay!

And I'm also taking Creative Writing Poetry with Pulitzer-Prize winner and delightful human being Claudia Emerson, so some poems will be showing up here as well.


  1. I can't wait, especially for the poetry!

    Hope classes are going well. :)

    1. They are! Also, that friend I told you about has had a change of fortunes and is back in school - to our great joy.

    2. That's great! Is she back at school with you or a different one? Either way, to be out of her previous situation must be a huge step forward for her and a relief for you, as I know you worried about her a lot.
