Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I have a lot of excuses for why it's been such a long time since I updated. I've been sick. I've been in love (at least that one continues to be true). I've been writing for class. I spend a lot of time on tumblr. My dog is refusing to eat much of anything and we're getting concerned. I've been cranking out baby Jayne hats and soot sprites for my Etsy shop. My celebrity crushes get ever-more pathetic. I have a cramp in my toe. I need to wash my hair. I now have a different google account so I have to log out and log in to my old account in order blog and isn't that a pain? The stars have not aligned.

But cool things are happening, and I finally overcame my inertia sufficiently to actually post here about them. Imagine that.

- I got an A on my fiction seminar portfolio, which largely consisted of the first sixty pages of Seasons Four Behind Closed Doors. It is on hiatus for the time being while I let it simmer and tackle other projects, but I know where it's going and I am confident about this being a good start.

- I'm writing a twelve-poem cycle for a poetry seminar this semester, about the intersection of private love and public politics, and the point of the class is to produce publishable work at some point.

- My current novel-project is to go back, retcon, revamp, and extend the next Laconia book, The Raw Ghosts of Thailand. I've been procrastinating on it like whoa and I really shouldn't because it's going to be dedicated to my Khun Yai (maternal grandmother) and she's not getting any younger. I'm looking forward to either when I get this thing done or when I stop feeling guilty over it, and I think that's doing a disservice to poor Nat and Ferdinand.

- I've accomplished a bunch of ghostwriting projects on Elance writing [redacted] for a client who is hoping to [redacted] and so is paying me to [redacted]. Whee!

- When the submissions period opens, I'm going to apply for Creative Writing Honors, in which I'd read my stuff at a symposium and have a more dignified version of a gold star on my diploma.

- For yet another class, I am in a group where we are making a bona fide online literary journal. We are only required to publish one issue, but my group wants to continue this after graduation, maybe even make it something professional one day. As of the publication of this post we are not yet soliciting work, but we will be in a few weeks, so here's a link: stitchjournal.com

- I'm writing a short story about a woman who gets a heart transplant from a recently dead celebrity, and I think it's going well. I'm turning the first draft in for workshopping next Monday.

That's all for now, I think. I'll try to post more often. Whether or not that actually happens, thank you for reading this, and I love you.


  1. Glad to hear my favourite 'murrican (well, half 'murrican) writer is back at ze desk. Bring on The Raw Ghosts!

  2. I am with Sally. Bring on The Raw Ghosts.

    Also, I can't wait to see Seasons Four published. Just cause I've read it a couple times already doesn't mean that I don't want it in a pretty published form in my hands, lol.

    I'm glad you're doing a bunch of creating writing stuffs.
