Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Bedtime Story, Part V

There was once a girl who lived in a tower because she had a gaping cavity where her heart should have been, and she was embarrassed to walk among others with no pulse or feeling. For some reason another girl kept visiting her and telling her stories, singing her songs, asking the girl in the tower to run away with her. Finally one spring dusk the ragged girl shouted, "I brought you a heart!" and held it up, triumphant, ignoring the blood that stained her hands and dripped down her arms.

The girl in the tower looked down, smiling to see her friend in the failing light. “It’s real!” she mused, reaching her arms down as far as she could. She knew that she couldn’t reach, so she had to ignore her fear and run down the tower stairs. She grabbed the heart and pulled it to her, inside her…and felt. Felt too much and too deeply and regretted her choice. “This isn’t right!” she cried, ripping the heart from her chest and retreating to the tower. She closed off all the doors and all the windows and left the heart outside when the sun finally went down.

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