Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Stone Babies

A fetus dies,

too great in size,

for the body to absorb,

it calcifies,

it petrifies,

to protect the mother’s core.

So no dead tissue

will issue

forth rot to poison her womb -

it can take years

without tears

before doctors discover the “tomb”.

And so I hope my heart

will start

to do the same, with aspects

so abject

of this whole wretched concept

of stability

in my fragility

with love and hope’s agility

but rather than so prone

to feel alone

I’d rather it turned to organic stone.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


You fitted into me

strangely, but well, and I

saw you as jeweled beyond measure.

And I pushed you a way when

you cracked, fearing you'd break

further and faster, and that I would

shatter with the wedge of you in me.

I saved us from that.

But now I have a crevice that needs

and hungers, and I try fitting so many

many many many and they don't fit

will they ever fit?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Saint Patrick's Day Memory: A Small Poem

I let myself stir, a little

from depths I regularly plumb.

And you were there and wrapped

in cheery alcoholic haze, and I wondered

if there was some place where I felt

as whole, as carefree, naturally as you seemed

to be from the liquor, where I'd stop missing her,

where I'd believe as hard as you do in Someone.

Monday, March 19, 2012


My current coupon code at www.etsy.com/shop/ThatSingularAnomaly is BICYCLE. Enter it at checkout for a 25% discount and help me get my bicycle fixed!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Yarn Bombing I



I'm going yarn bombing this evening for my first time. Pics to follow soon.

For those who don't know, "yarn bombing" is crocheted or knitted graffiti, usually in the form of little cozies for poles, railings, and tree branches. I also made an eyepatch for a statue that already has an eyepatch, just not a cloth one.

I've been rather down these past couple days so I'm trying to add harmless fun things to get excited about and get me out of my room. Activity therapy.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Current Obsessions

Crochet (obviously) and Sherlock BBC. It sets Sherlock Holmes in modern-day London.


I'm trading this one with a tumblr user who blogs as though they were actually Moriarty, to use as a voodoo doll, in exchange for a diabolical Moriarty-themed notebook. But you can order one custom-made at http://www.etsy.com/listing/94369861/sherlock-plush .

Thursday, March 1, 2012


My story about Robyn robbing the craft store was very well received, though the professor suggested I come up with a better title. I will be putting a revision up within the next week. I love it when criticism is detailed and thorough not because the critic doesn't like the work, but because they know you can take it, that you will benefit from it, and they want to see the work become the best it can possibly be.

Also, I showed the owner of Old Town Yarnery one of my crocheted shamrocks, and she has offered me $1.50 apiece to make a whole bunch for decorating the shop. Then today a friend commissioned a scarf made of shamrocks sewn together. So I will be making all the shamrocks. ALL OF THEM. Most have three leaves; some have four. Like in real life.

My presentation I was worried about in my seminar on John Milton also went well, though I had to leave class a bit early after on account of medication-induced dizziness. As you can see by the time stamp, my sleep patterns are still weird. The Thai phrase for my particular version of insomnia is "sleep-sleep wake-wake".

But things are looking up, and I get to visit some good friends during Spring Break. Just need to make it through my last two classes.